Wheat has been cultivated by man since before recorded history. It is conjectured by anthropologists that hungry hunter/gatherers first stockpiled the grain as a storable food source. When it got wet, it sprouted, and people found that if the grain was planted it yielded yet more seeds.
History of Bread
Grown in Mesopotamia and Egypt, wheat was likely first merely chewed. Later it was discovered that it could be pulverized and made into a paste. Set over a fire, the paste hardened into a flat bread that kept for several days. It did not take much of a leap to discover leavened (raised) bread when yeast was accidentally introduced to the paste.
Instead of waiting for fortuitous circumstances to leaven their bread, people found that they could save a piece of dough from a batch of bread to put into the next day's dough. This was the origin of sour-dough, a process still used today.
In Egypt, around 1000 BC, inquiring minds isolated yeast and were able to introduce the culture directly to their breads. Also a new strain of wheat was developed that allowed for refined white bread. This was the first truly modern bread. Up to thirty varieties of bread may have been popular in ancient Egypt.
It was also during this time that bread beer was developed. The bread was soaked in water and sweetened and the foamy liquor run off. Beer was as popular in ancient Egypt as it is in America today.
The Greeks picked up the technology for making bread from the Egyptians; from Greece the practice spread over the rest of Europe. Bread and wheat were especially important in Rome where it was thought more vital than meat. Soldiers felt slighted if they were not given their allotment. The Roman welfare state was based on the distribution of grain to people living in Rome. Later the government even baked the bread.
Through much of history, a person's social station could be discerned by the color of bread they consumed.
The darker the bread, the lower the social station. This was because whiter flours were more expensive and harder for millers to adulterate with other products. Today, we have seen a reversal of this trend when darker breads are more expensive and highly prized for their taste as well as their nutritional value.
In the middle ages bread was commonly baked in the ovens of the lord of the manor for a price. It was one of the few foods that sustained the poor through the dark age.
Bread continued to be important through history as bread riots during the French Revolution attest. The famous quotation attributed to Marie Antoinette that if the poor could not get bread for their table then "let them eat cake," became a famous illustration of how royalty had become ignorant of the plight of the lower classes. Actually, Marie Antoinette never said this and was merely being slandered by her detractors.
Still thought of as the "staff of life", for centuries bread has been used in religious ceremonies. Even the lord's prayer requests of God to "Give us this day our daily bread" - meaning not merely loaves, but moral sustenance.
Today, even with the competition of a growing variety of foods, bread remains important to our diet and our psyche. It has a prominent place in at the local market, in our cupboards, and even in our language. The word "bread" is commonly used as a slang term for money. It connotes importance as when we say that some aspect of our work is "our bread and butter". In many households bread is still served with every meal.
Bread has a long history for a reason. It is a healthy and nutritious food that fills the stomach as well as the soul.
description of most kinds of flours
All-purpose Flour
All purpose flour has a medium protein content that makes it suitable for most baking uses. Store all-purpose flour in an airtight container for up to 1 year. US all-purpose flour and UK plain-flour can be substituted for one another without adjustment.
Arrowroot Flour
This flour is made from the fleshy root stock of the tropical arrowroot plant. Its white, fine, and powdery texture is very similar to cornstarch but it has no flavor at all. It is typically used as a thickener for puddings, sauces and other cooked foods.
Barley Flour
Barley flour is made from barley ground very finely. It si rich in protein, clacium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and B vitamins.
Bean/Legume Flours
Made easily by grinding all types of beans, this flour can be used to enhance the flavor and health benefits of your breads, and they also make easy soups and dips.
Bread Flour
The best flour for bread making, it is ground from hard wheat. It has a high protein (gluten) and low starch content.
Brown Rice Flour
Ground from brown rice, this flour has a slightly sweet flavor. It is used alone or combined with wheat flour in breads and batters.
Buckwheat Flour
Buckwheat flour is ground from the seeds of a plant originating in Asia, has an earthy, slightly sour flavor that is usually tempered in commercial products by the addition of a little wheat flour.
Chestnut Flour
Chestnut flour is made from dried, ground chestnuts and usually sold in ethnic markets.
Corn Flour
A yellow, finely ground version of cornmeal, corn flour is used to add a mild corn taste and a pleasing texture to baked goods.
is a term that commonly refers to all-purpose flour, a blend of hard and soft wheats. Natural, pale yellow unbleached flour yields more crisp results; bleached white flour yields more tender results.
Gluten Flour
Gluten flour is made from hard wheat, and contains a high percentage of gluten, the protein in wheat flour that gives dough an elastic quality and helps it rise. It is often used in combination with low-gluten flours.
Millet Flour
Made from a small round grain resembling mustard seed, this flour has a slight nutty flavor.
Oat Flour
Oat flour is a fine flour ground from dried oats, has a characteristic nutlike flavor. It is used in combination with wheat flour.
Pastry and Cake Flours
Pastry flour is lighter and has a lower protein level of ~9-10% as opposed to ~ 12-13% found in bread flour. The soft, flakiness of pie crust is attributable to the softer flour. Cake flour is lighter than all purpose flour. It is not used much anymore, but if it does come up, you can substitute all-purpose/plain flour by removing three tablespoons per cup of flour and replacing it with corn starch or potato flour.
Potato Flour
This is a gluten-free flour made from cooked, dried and ground potatoes. It is mostly used as a thickener. It is also known as potato starch
Rice Flour
This very fine powdery flour is made from pulverized long-grain or glutinous rice, used to thicken cakes and puddings as well as to make noodles and very fluffy breads.
Rye Flour
Rye flour is a fine flour ground from grains of rye grass, a close relative of wheat. It has a slightly sweet-sour flavor.
Self Rising Flour
Self-rising flour contains 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt for each cup of flour. US whole wheat flour is interchangeable with UK wholemeal flour.
Semolina Flour
Semolina flour is made from the finely ground endosperm of Durum wheat. Usually used in pasta making, it is a tasty, high protein addition to breads.
Seven-grain (or nine-grain) Flour
Seven-grain flour is a commercial blend commonly made up of millet, rye, corn, wheat, barley, oats, and flax or triticale. It is found in health-food stores and well-stocked markets. A more coarsely ground cereal blend is also available. Store seven-grain flour in a cool, dry place for up to 5 months.
Soy Flour
Soy flour is high in protein and is usually mixed in with whole grain flours in recipes.
Spelt Flour
This flour is lighter in protein and more easily digested than regular wheat flours. This flour is sometimes known as Farro.
Triticale Flour
Triticale is a hybrid cross of durum wheat and rye grains. It is high in protein, and is excellent for making bread. It may take longer to rise than regular wheat breads.
Vegetable Flour
Made from diried vegetables, use these flours to flavor breads and soups.
Whole Wheat Flour
Whole wheat four is made from milling the entire wheat berry. it is brownish in color.
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